# Making patch files

In order to make your own patch files, you will need the following:

  1. The minecraft 1.8.8 JAR
  2. 1.8.json
  3. mcp918.zip(link here (opens new window))

Note: This tutorial only works on Linux or MacOS. To do this on Windows, either setup up a virtual machine or use WSL (preferably WSL 2).

First, move the 1.8.8 jar, the 1.8.json file, and mcp918.zip into the mcp918 folder. Then. open a terminal in the root directory of the repo. Run java -jar buildtools/BuildTools.jar init in the terminal. After it's done, do java -jar buildtools/BuildTools.jar workspace. It should ask you what directory you want it in. After putting this info in, it should create the directory you specified and place a Gradle project inside. This is the decompiled source of Minecraft 1.8.8, plus the patches. Just modify the files and do ./gradlew teavm inside the workspace to compile. Then do bash CompileEPK.sh to get an assets.epk file. If you want to quickly test, do python -m http.server in the workspace and go to localhost:8000 in your browser. If you want to make a pull request, do java -jar buildtools/BuildTools.jar pullrequest to generate a pullrequest folder. Then, take this modified version of the repo and upload it to Github, make a pullrequest, and I will take a look. If you are making your own fork of EaglerReborn and have it open source, you can do java -jar buildtools/BuildTools.jar merge to finish generating the patch files.

To make an offline download, run bash MakeOfflineDownload.sh after running ./gradlew teavm and bash CompileEPK.sh

Last Updated: 10/15/2023, 4:35:42 AM