Interface INetHandlerPlayClient
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface INetHandlerPlayClient extends INetHandler
+ This portion of EaglercraftX contains deobfuscated Minecraft 1.8 source code. Minecraft 1.8.8 bytecode is (c) 2015 Mojang AB. "Do not distribute!" Mod Coder Pack v9.18 deobfuscation configs are (c) Copyright by the MCP Team EaglercraftX 1.8 patch files are (c) 2022-2023 LAX1DUDE. All Rights Reserved. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PATCH FILES, MINIFIED JAVASCRIPT, AND ALL FILES NORMALLY FOUND IN AN UNMODIFIED MINECRAFT RESOURCE PACK, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHARE, DISTRIBUTE, OR REPURPOSE ANY FILE USED BY OR PRODUCED BY THE SOFTWARE IN THIS REPOSITORY WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION FROM THE PROJECT AUTHOR. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL OR MALICIOUS USE (please read the 'LICENSE' file this repo's root directory for more info)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
handleAnimation(S0BPacketAnimation var1)
+ Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical meansvoid
handleBlockAction(S24PacketBlockAction var1)
+ Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chestvoid
handleBlockBreakAnim(S25PacketBlockBreakAnim var1)
+ Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartiallyvoid
handleBlockChange(S23PacketBlockChange var1)
+ Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients)void
handleCamera(S43PacketCamera var1)
handleChangeGameState(S2BPacketChangeGameState var1)
handleChat(S02PacketChat var1)
+ Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUIvoid
handleChunkData(S21PacketChunkData var1)
+ Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculationvoid
handleCloseWindow(S2EPacketCloseWindow var1)
+ Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is openedvoid
handleCollectItem(S0DPacketCollectItem var1)
handleCombatEvent(S42PacketCombatEvent var1)
handleConfirmTransaction(S32PacketConfirmTransaction var1)
+ Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case.void
handleCustomPayload(S3FPacketCustomPayload var1)
+ Handles packets that have room for a channel specification.void
handleDestroyEntities(S13PacketDestroyEntities var1)
+ Locally eliminates the entities.void
handleDisconnect(S40PacketDisconnect var1)
+ Closes the network channelvoid
handleDisplayScoreboard(S3DPacketDisplayScoreboard var1)
+ Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name)void
handleEffect(S28PacketEffect var1)
handleEntityAttach(S1BPacketEntityAttach var1)
handleEntityEffect(S1DPacketEntityEffect var1)
handleEntityEquipment(S04PacketEntityEquipment var1)
handleEntityHeadLook(S19PacketEntityHeadLook var1)
+ Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itselfvoid
handleEntityMetadata(S1CPacketEntityMetadata var1)
+ Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locallyvoid
handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity var1)
+ Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation.void
handleEntityNBT(S49PacketUpdateEntityNBT var1)
handleEntityProperties(S20PacketEntityProperties var1)
+ Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance.void
handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus var1)
+ Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...)void
handleEntityTeleport(S18PacketEntityTeleport var1)
+ Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packetvoid
handleEntityVelocity(S12PacketEntityVelocity var1)
+ Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified valuevoid
handleExplosion(S27PacketExplosion var1)
+ Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet.void
handleHeldItemChange(S09PacketHeldItemChange var1)
+ Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selectedvoid
handleJoinGame(S01PacketJoinGame var1)
+ Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimensionvoid
handleKeepAlive(S00PacketKeepAlive var1)
handleMapChunkBulk(S26PacketMapChunkBulk var1)
handleMaps(S34PacketMaps var1)
+ Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for itvoid
handleMultiBlockChange(S22PacketMultiBlockChange var1)
+ Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed.void
handleOpenWindow(S2DPacketOpenWindow var1)
+ Displays a GUI by ID.void
handleParticles(S2APacketParticles var1)
+ Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified boundsvoid
handlePlayerAbilities(S39PacketPlayerAbilities var1)
handlePlayerListHeaderFooter(S47PacketPlayerListHeaderFooter var1)
handlePlayerListItem(S38PacketPlayerListItem var1)
handlePlayerPosLook(S08PacketPlayerPosLook var1)
+ Handles changes in player positioning and rotation such as when travelling to a new dimension, (re)spawning, mounting horses etc.void
handleRemoveEntityEffect(S1EPacketRemoveEntityEffect var1)
handleResourcePack(S48PacketResourcePackSend var1)
handleRespawn(S07PacketRespawn var1)
handleScoreboardObjective(S3BPacketScoreboardObjective var1)
+ May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displaynamevoid
handleServerDifficulty(S41PacketServerDifficulty var1)
handleSetCompressionLevel(S46PacketSetCompressionLevel var1)
handleSetExperience(S1FPacketSetExperience var1)
handleSetSlot(S2FPacketSetSlot var1)
+ Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) containervoid
handleSignEditorOpen(S36PacketSignEditorOpen var1)
+ Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its textvoid
handleSoundEffect(S29PacketSoundEffect var1)
handleSpawnExperienceOrb(S11PacketSpawnExperienceOrb var1)
+ Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP)void
handleSpawnGlobalEntity(S2CPacketSpawnGlobalEntity var1)
+ Handles globally visible entities.void
handleSpawnMob(S0FPacketSpawnMob var1)
+ Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type.void
handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject var1)
+ Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentumvoid
handleSpawnPainting(S10PacketSpawnPainting var1)
+ Handles the spawning of a painting objectvoid
handleSpawnPlayer(S0CPacketSpawnPlayer var1)
+ Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held itemvoid
handleSpawnPosition(S05PacketSpawnPosition var1)
handleStatistics(S37PacketStatistics var1)
+ Updates the players statistics or achievementsvoid
handleTabComplete(S3APacketTabComplete var1)
+ Displays the available command-completion options the server knows ofvoid
handleTeams(S3EPacketTeams var1)
+ Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team-memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabledvoid
handleTimeUpdate(S03PacketTimeUpdate var1)
handleTitle(S45PacketTitle var1)
handleUpdateHealth(S06PacketUpdateHealth var1)
handleUpdateScore(S3CPacketUpdateScore var1)
+ Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objectivevoid
handleUpdateSign(S33PacketUpdateSign var1)
+ Updates a specified sign with the specified text linesvoid
handleUpdateTileEntity(S35PacketUpdateTileEntity var1)
+ Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpotvoid
handleUseBed(S0APacketUseBed var1)
+ Retrieves the player identified by the packet, puts him to sleep if possible (and flags whether all players are asleep)void
handleWindowItems(S30PacketWindowItems var1)
+ Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slotvoid
handleWindowProperty(S31PacketWindowProperty var1)
+ Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified valuevoid
handleWorldBorder(S44PacketWorldBorder var1)
Methods inherited from interface
Method Detail
void handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject var1)
+ Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum
void handleSpawnExperienceOrb(S11PacketSpawnExperienceOrb var1)
+ Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP)
void handleSpawnGlobalEntity(S2CPacketSpawnGlobalEntity var1)
+ Handles globally visible entities. Used in vanilla for lightning bolts
void handleSpawnMob(S0FPacketSpawnMob var1)
+ Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type. Updates the entities Datawatchers with the entity metadata specified in the packet
void handleScoreboardObjective(S3BPacketScoreboardObjective var1)
+ May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displayname
void handleSpawnPainting(S10PacketSpawnPainting var1)
+ Handles the spawning of a painting object
void handleSpawnPlayer(S0CPacketSpawnPlayer var1)
+ Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held item
void handleAnimation(S0BPacketAnimation var1)
+ Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical means
void handleStatistics(S37PacketStatistics var1)
+ Updates the players statistics or achievements
void handleBlockBreakAnim(S25PacketBlockBreakAnim var1)
+ Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartially
void handleSignEditorOpen(S36PacketSignEditorOpen var1)
+ Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its text
void handleUpdateTileEntity(S35PacketUpdateTileEntity var1)
+ Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpot
void handleBlockAction(S24PacketBlockAction var1)
+ Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chest
void handleBlockChange(S23PacketBlockChange var1)
+ Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients)
void handleChat(S02PacketChat var1)
+ Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUI
void handleTabComplete(S3APacketTabComplete var1)
+ Displays the available command-completion options the server knows of
void handleMultiBlockChange(S22PacketMultiBlockChange var1)
+ Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed. If only one block requires an update, the server sends S23PacketBlockChange and if 64 or more blocks are changed, the server sends S21PacketChunkData
void handleMaps(S34PacketMaps var1)
+ Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for it
void handleConfirmTransaction(S32PacketConfirmTransaction var1)
+ Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case.
void handleCloseWindow(S2EPacketCloseWindow var1)
+ Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is opened
void handleWindowItems(S30PacketWindowItems var1)
+ Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slot
void handleOpenWindow(S2DPacketOpenWindow var1)
+ Displays a GUI by ID. In order starting from id 0: Chest, Workbench, Furnace, Dispenser, Enchanting table, Brewing stand, Villager merchant, Beacon, Anvil, Hopper, Dropper, Horse
void handleWindowProperty(S31PacketWindowProperty var1)
+ Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified value
void handleSetSlot(S2FPacketSetSlot var1)
+ Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) container
void handleCustomPayload(S3FPacketCustomPayload var1)
+ Handles packets that have room for a channel specification. Vanilla implemented channels are "MC|TrList" to acquire a MerchantRecipeList trades for a villager merchant, "MC|Brand" which sets the server brand? on the player instance and finally "MC|RPack" which the server uses to communicate the identifier of the default server resourcepack for the client to load.
void handleDisconnect(S40PacketDisconnect var1)
+ Closes the network channel
void handleUseBed(S0APacketUseBed var1)
+ Retrieves the player identified by the packet, puts him to sleep if possible (and flags whether all players are asleep)
void handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus var1)
+ Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...)
void handleEntityAttach(S1BPacketEntityAttach var1)
void handleExplosion(S27PacketExplosion var1)
+ Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet.
void handleChangeGameState(S2BPacketChangeGameState var1)
void handleKeepAlive(S00PacketKeepAlive var1)
void handleChunkData(S21PacketChunkData var1)
+ Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculation
void handleMapChunkBulk(S26PacketMapChunkBulk var1)
void handleEffect(S28PacketEffect var1)
void handleJoinGame(S01PacketJoinGame var1)
+ Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimension
void handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity var1)
+ Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation. Note that subclassing of the packet allows for the specification of a subset of this data (e.g. only rel. position, abs. rotation or both).
void handlePlayerPosLook(S08PacketPlayerPosLook var1)
+ Handles changes in player positioning and rotation such as when travelling to a new dimension, (re)spawning, mounting horses etc. Seems to immediately reply to the server with the clients post-processing perspective on the player positioning
void handleParticles(S2APacketParticles var1)
+ Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified bounds
void handlePlayerAbilities(S39PacketPlayerAbilities var1)
void handlePlayerListItem(S38PacketPlayerListItem var1)
void handleDestroyEntities(S13PacketDestroyEntities var1)
+ Locally eliminates the entities. Invoked by the server when the items are in fact destroyed, or the player is no longer registered as required to monitor them. The latter happens when distance between the player and item increases beyond a certain treshold (typically the viewing distance)
void handleRemoveEntityEffect(S1EPacketRemoveEntityEffect var1)
void handleRespawn(S07PacketRespawn var1)
void handleEntityHeadLook(S19PacketEntityHeadLook var1)
+ Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itself
void handleHeldItemChange(S09PacketHeldItemChange var1)
+ Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selected
void handleDisplayScoreboard(S3DPacketDisplayScoreboard var1)
+ Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name)
void handleEntityMetadata(S1CPacketEntityMetadata var1)
+ Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locally
void handleEntityVelocity(S12PacketEntityVelocity var1)
+ Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified value
void handleEntityEquipment(S04PacketEntityEquipment var1)
void handleSetExperience(S1FPacketSetExperience var1)
void handleUpdateHealth(S06PacketUpdateHealth var1)
void handleTeams(S3EPacketTeams var1)
+ Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team-memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabled
void handleUpdateScore(S3CPacketUpdateScore var1)
+ Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objective
void handleSpawnPosition(S05PacketSpawnPosition var1)
void handleTimeUpdate(S03PacketTimeUpdate var1)
void handleUpdateSign(S33PacketUpdateSign var1)
+ Updates a specified sign with the specified text lines
void handleSoundEffect(S29PacketSoundEffect var1)
void handleCollectItem(S0DPacketCollectItem var1)
void handleEntityTeleport(S18PacketEntityTeleport var1)
+ Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packet
void handleEntityProperties(S20PacketEntityProperties var1)
+ Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance.
void handleEntityEffect(S1DPacketEntityEffect var1)
void handleCombatEvent(S42PacketCombatEvent var1)
void handleServerDifficulty(S41PacketServerDifficulty var1)
void handleCamera(S43PacketCamera var1)
void handleWorldBorder(S44PacketWorldBorder var1)
void handleTitle(S45PacketTitle var1)
void handleSetCompressionLevel(S46PacketSetCompressionLevel var1)
void handlePlayerListHeaderFooter(S47PacketPlayerListHeaderFooter var1)
void handleResourcePack(S48PacketResourcePackSend var1)
void handleEntityNBT(S49PacketUpdateEntityNBT var1)